Listen to Me! Professionals
Description: The LTM! Professional Conference is a three day training for speech-language pathologists, teachers of the deaf and hard of hearing, audiologists, and other related service providers. Content focuses on addressing the unique needs of children with hearing loss, understanding the technology, and learning strategies to facilitate strong listening and spoken language outcomes.
PLEASE NOTE: These courses are designed for professionals who have beginning to intermediate skills in auditory habilitation. Most of the content is not appropriate for LSLS Cert. AVTs/AVEds, or other professionals with a similarly advanced level of listening and spoken language training.
DOWNLOAD this year's professional conference schedule (available Feb. 1st).
During the Listen to Me!™ Family Conference (which runs concurrently), families receive a comprehensive training on how to teach their children to develop listening and spoken language skills. If you know a family that might benefit from attending our family conference, please direct them here.
REGISTER EARLY! The Listen to Me! Conference has a limited number of openings. We will cap in-person attendance at 25 this year. Priority is given to professionals who are current service providers for one of our attending families, and on a first come, first served basis. We do keep a waiting list. Early bird discount expires March 15th.
Join us to learn the following through presentations, observations, and small group discussions:
- Cochlear implantation: surgery, post-op, complications, bilateral implantation, EAS/hybrid, future directions, stem cell research (should we “save the ear” for future advances?)
- Bimodal amplification: listening with one cochlear implant and one hearing aid
- What goes on during a cochlear implant mapping session (includes a LIVE mapping during the presentation)
- Managing the devices and equipment associated with cochlear implants and hearing aids, including FM systems
- Practical application of speech acoustics and auditory skill development
- Integrating audition into speech therapy and home routines: strategies & activities
- Selection and implementation of assessments to evaluate auditory skill development
- Writing appropriate IFSP and IEP goals to address issues specific to children with cochlear implants
- Addressing bilingual issues and social challenges for children with hearing loss
Professional development hours
We offer approved professional development hours (6.5 hours each day of attendance) from the following associations:
- AG Bell Academy for Listening & Spoken Language: LSL CE credits
- CA Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology Board (Provider #242): CE hours
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association: Certification Maintenance Hours (counts for ASHA CEUs, but we do not report your hours to the CE registry)
In-person attendance will provide the most rich learning experience, including opportunities to interact with the families, staff, presenters, and device manufacturer reps. Cost includes parking and lunch. No virtual option.
One day registration:
- Early bird rate*: $124.20
- Registration after March 15th: $135
Two day registration:
- Early bird rate*: $248.40
- Registration after March 15th: $270
Three day registration:**
- Early bird rate*: $326.60**
- Registration after March 15th: $355
*Early bird rates expire March 15th. Use promo code: EarlyBird
**Best rates
Discounts available:
- Save 60% off if you are a Hawaii resident.
- Save 20% off if you register with a group of 3 or more professionals from the same organization.
- Students are eligible for a 40% discount. Please send us the name of your school and graduation year.
- (New this year): OPTION school discount code: OPTION school staff members are eligible for 30% discount. Please send us the name of your center/school and contact information for your school’s director.
Contact Danielle Bourque at if you qualify for any of the above discount codes.
REGISTER HERE & click on "Professionals" (tickets go on sale Feb. 10th).
Payment Information:
- Please complete the online registration form and select the payment option you prefer.
- Payment may be made with credit card, check, money order, or PO.
- Registration will NOT be guaranteed until payment is received. Credit card payment online is recommended.
- If you need to send a check/money order, please print the email confirmation of your online registration and send it with your payment. Please write check/money order out to: ”Stanford University” and mail to:
ATTN: Julie Cooper
Stanford Ear Institute
2452 Watson Court, Suite 1700
Palo Alto, CA 94303
Professional participants are asked to arrange for your own lodging at nearby hotels.
See our current recommended hotel here, with discounted rates for LTM attendees.
LOCATION: Our conference is held in-person at: Koret Pavilion at Hillel, 565 Mayfield Avenue, Stanford, CA.
There is a residential parking lot across the street from the house (behind Casa Italiana) that you may park in. You will need an "SO" parking permit to park there, so check in at the registration table at the house, and a volunteer will give you your parking permit for the day. MAKE SURE TO PARK IN AN "SO" SPOT, OR YOU COULD RECEIVE A PARKING TICKET.
- Please plan to arrive during registration time: between 8:00 and 8:30 am.
- If you are interested in earning PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT/
CONTINUING EDUCATION HOURS, please bring your professional state license number and/or ASHA number.
PLEASE CONTACT for any inquiries about Listen to Me! for professionals.
Quotes from previous professional attendees
The presentations were very helpful because they addressed the foundations of auditory living-this made the techniques and strategies make more sense.
The presentations were excellent! Lots of great information, clearly presented, and practical. Will use in my work with kids.
Great examples of therapy activities.
Professionals are always looking for strategies so the time and attention spent to providing strategies and showing specific video clips to illustrate the strategies was helpful, as were the videos of therapy sessions in general.
It was great finding out what other professionals are doing and how they are dealing with student issues.
I felt that all of the sections were very impressive related to my goal for coming to learn and add to my knowledge about developing listening skills for toddlers.
Excellent week! The professionals, staff, and everyone are wonderful. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Your passion really comes through. I love having parents here too.
Very wonderful week... beautifully organized and very family-oriented!!